Have you ever been reading the Bible and thought "that reminds me of something else from Scripture"? Well, that may not be an accident. All text is written in…
Don’t you think the Bible can be hard to understand? If your answer wasn’t a resounding “Yes!” go ahead and read a few chapters of Leviticus and get back to…
Weekly Update - July 21, 2023
This isn't Pastor Nancy, this is Matt Smith. Nancy asked me to write this after I approached her after the service last Sunday. Nancy…
Greetings friends,
The idea of rest seems unimportant until it’s not available. Caring for a new baby is a reminder to everyone in the house of the value of a good…
While Pastor Nancy is away eating Yorkshire puddings, drinking french wine, and holding up unstable buildings in Pisa (or whatever else you do in Europe), It’s a great time to…